智利Chiloé島的木頭教堂群 (世界文化遺產)
此教堂群的最大建築物卡斯特羅大教堂, 在2000年被聯合國教科文組織列為世界遺產的一員, 編號: 971.
智利Isla Chiloé島中部的城市Castro,市中心有個非常有特色的大教堂,全部的建材都是木頭。
教堂的正式名稱為: La Catedral de San Francisco de Castro, 1979年7月19日被智利政府宣布為的國家級古蹟(Monumento Histórico Nacional)員.
教堂的寬度為27公尺, 長度為52公尺, 面積為1404平方公尺, 高度為42公尺.
詳細的資料請參考: Church of San Francisco, Castro
維基百科對Isla Chiloé木頭教堂的說明:
奇洛埃木製教堂群建造於智利奇洛埃島上的木質教堂群. 此教堂群建於18世紀和19世紀之間. 現在, 此教堂群已有159間教堂被修復保存.
此教堂群是由耶穌會所建造的, 其建築特點是混合當地的的奇洛埃風格以及歐洲的哥德式和巴洛克式的建築風格.
The Churches of Chiloé in Chile's Chiloé Archipelago are a unique architectural phenomenon in the Americas, and one of the most prominent styles of Chilota architecture. Unlike classical Spanish colonial architecture, the churches of Chiloé are made entirely in native timber with extensive use of wood shingles. The churches were built from materials to resist the Chiloé Archipelago's humid and rainy oceanic climate.
Built in the 18th and 19th centuries when Chiloé Archipelago was still a part of the Spanish Crown possessions, the churches represent the fusion of Spanish Jesuit culture and local native population's skill and traditions; an excellent example of mestizo culture.
The Churches of Chiloé were designated UNESCO World Heritage Sites since 2000. The University of Chile, Fundación Cultural Iglesias de Chiloé and other institutions have led efforts to preserve these historic structures and to publicize them for their unique qualities
此教堂群的最大建築物卡斯特羅大教堂, 在2000年被聯合國教科文組織列為世界遺產的一員, 編號: 971.
智利Isla Chiloé島中部的城市Castro,市中心有個非常有特色的大教堂,全部的建材都是木頭。
教堂的正式名稱為: La Catedral de San Francisco de Castro, 1979年7月19日被智利政府宣布為的國家級古蹟(Monumento Histórico Nacional)員.
教堂的寬度為27公尺, 長度為52公尺, 面積為1404平方公尺, 高度為42公尺.
詳細的資料請參考: Church of San Francisco, Castro
維基百科對Isla Chiloé木頭教堂的說明:
奇洛埃木製教堂群建造於智利奇洛埃島上的木質教堂群. 此教堂群建於18世紀和19世紀之間. 現在, 此教堂群已有159間教堂被修復保存.
此教堂群是由耶穌會所建造的, 其建築特點是混合當地的的奇洛埃風格以及歐洲的哥德式和巴洛克式的建築風格.
The Churches of Chiloé in Chile's Chiloé Archipelago are a unique architectural phenomenon in the Americas, and one of the most prominent styles of Chilota architecture. Unlike classical Spanish colonial architecture, the churches of Chiloé are made entirely in native timber with extensive use of wood shingles. The churches were built from materials to resist the Chiloé Archipelago's humid and rainy oceanic climate.
Built in the 18th and 19th centuries when Chiloé Archipelago was still a part of the Spanish Crown possessions, the churches represent the fusion of Spanish Jesuit culture and local native population's skill and traditions; an excellent example of mestizo culture.
The Churches of Chiloé were designated UNESCO World Heritage Sites since 2000. The University of Chile, Fundación Cultural Iglesias de Chiloé and other institutions have led efforts to preserve these historic structures and to publicize them for their unique qualities
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